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We really need to hear from NPM why this happened.

There is currently no way for a user to remove their own packages or unpublish packages anymore from the public NPM API ( a change following the `left-pad` incident ).

This leads me to believe this was an internal NPM error. My guess is employee error.

Whaaa...? I swear I used `npm unpublish` several times in the past year.

Yeah, it definitely exists: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/unpublish

Only for a version less than 24 hours old. You can no longer remove established packages.

A quote from the documentation page you linked:

> With the default registry (registry.npmjs.org), unpublish is only allowed with versions published in the last 24 hours. If you are trying to unpublish a version published longer ago than that, contact support@npmjs.com.

> Only for a version less than 24 hours old. You can no longer remove established packages.

Apparently, someone can remove established packages.

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