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It is interesting to see this article today as the South African president has just used Russia as an example, to defend his attitude to the media (more about that below). As a South African, reading stories like this is frightening, since we seem to be embracing a trajectory that could lead us the same way.

While corruption is pretty high, it doesn't impact most people's day-to-day lives. However, serious institutional problems are becoming apparent: there have been cases where company directors have been removed by politically connected individuals, due to corruption at the government agency that registers companies. Significant amounts of real estate have been stolen due to corruption at the deeds office. And mineral rights are being seized because of weak controls at the government department that regulates these rights. In one case last week, a listed steelmaker was forced to buy mineral rights from a group of politically connected at a huge premium. All of these have been widely reported in the media, but that is where the problems start.

South Africa's media and constitution generally allow for free expression, but, a few weeks ago a newspaper was launched with an explicitly pro-ruling party stance (by some of the same people who benefitted from the steel shakedown described above). At the same time, proposals were released for a statuatory tribunal to regulate the print media (South Africa already has libel laws, so this has been interpreted as an opportunity to muzzle the press). The government is also pushing an act that would allow government officials broad powers to classify information. And a journalist was dramatically jailed (on what seem to be trumped up charges) by an elite police unit, days after reporting on a huge, and apparently irregular lease made by the Police Commissioner, again with a politically connected individual.

Will South Africa lose whatever gains it has made and follow the path of Russia? I hope not, but I am becoming increasingly pessimistic.

You should leave South Africa while you still can.

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