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How's high DPI support on Ubuntu nowadays? My last experience (2 years ago?), everything was super small and when I tried changing the scaling it wasn't pixel-perfect. Literally had to return the laptop and get the 1366x768 version.

It was better before the switch to wayland/gnome in 17.10. In 17.04 they actually appeared to have fractional scaling working pretty seamlessly in Unity (not sure exactly what they did to accomplish that), but with the most recent version they are back to integer only.

That being said, gnome is expected to have factional scaling support under wayland for 3.28, scheduled for, iirc, March.

it's actually not terrible if you are willing to use the unity desktop... but as I understand it canonical won't be supporting unity and is switching back to Gnome, which is... a bag of tweaks and scaling.

I've been using Elementary (an Ubuntu Gnome fork) which delivers a slightly better out of the box ui.

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