Not being familiar with the usage of SharedArrayBuffer, is disabling it the nuclear option (eg bad for everyone involved and clearly not the best option if others existed)?
I see over 100 pages of commits on github referencing it, which tells me it's not exactly rare?
It looks like SharedArrayBuffer was released in July 2017 in Chrome and August 2017 in Firefox [1], so I think it's new enough that almost any non-internal website using it would need a fallback anyway. So my impression is it's not quite as nuclear as other web technologies being disabled, but still pretty bad.
I personally used it for a experimental hackathon project in April (in Chrome Canary, behind a flag), and I believe it was necessary for one of the aspects of the project, so it's a shame to see it disabled, but my impression is it's more "future web tech" than "the way the web works today".
High performance applications need to share memory between threads. That feature let you do it in JS, and is the basis of the future shared memory multithreading feature in Web Assembly.
So if you want the next Photoshop or Final Cut Pro to be browser based we’ll need to make it work securely.
Seems like virtualization is the way to go for JavaScript. Hypervisors such as XEN in HVM mode with modern processors don’t result in a large performance penalty, so I imagine Chrome will gravitate towards it for running untrusted code.
That's what Site Isolation is, but it has significant drawbacks: it cannot always protect against cross origin cookie leakage, and pages can have a lot more cross domain iframes than a reasonable process limit can account for.
I see over 100 pages of commits on github referencing it, which tells me it's not exactly rare?