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Vim 7.3 released (groups.google.com)
175 points by ab9 on Aug 16, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 45 comments

It's pretty cool that vim has had the same lead developer running the project for nearly 20 years.

It's also pretty cool how he asks for donations to be sent to nonprofits instead of himself.

I know this is irrelevant to the new release, but I think it's great that he still keeps it going after 20 years without any monetary gain (at least directly from the project).

Where the money goes depends on whether he has a job or not. Currently he works at Google, so it goes to a non-profit, but it has gone to him in the past.


Agreed. It shouldn't surprise me, but it still does every time Vim has a new release.

What's more, it's awesome that new releases still bring new functionality to the table.


Bram is the one and only developer of Vim.

Persistent undo is my favorite new feature. The ability to close vim, reopen a file later, and then have all of the undo history still available is awesome. (Alternatively, I used to suspend vim instead of actually quit.)

To turn on persistent undo, I created a new directory called ~/.undo to store all of the undo history so that my working directories wouldn't get cluttered. Then in .vimrc, I add:

   set undofile
   set undodir=~/.undo

I am happy to see the'relativenumber' option patch make it.

Quote from :h relativenumber

Show the line number relative to the line with the cursor in front of each line. Relative line numbers help you use the |count| you can precede some vertical motion commands (e.g. j k + -) with, without having to calculate it yourself. Especially useful in combination with other commands (e.g. y d c < > gq gw =).

Lua interface! (like World of Warcraft addons)

Damn Bram, thank you, man!

Python 3 interface FTW :)

what does that mean? So we can make plugins in Lua and Python?

Yes. And you already could in Python 2.x, what's new Pythonwise is the support for 3.

Can't wait for the MacVim to move to 7.3

Sweet JEBUS!!

My MacVim auto-updated to 7.3 when I launched it. :-)

I like the incremental improvements to things in this release. Kudos to Bram (and Bjorn for the Mac build).

How did you achieve that? Mine didn't, and doing "Check for updates" in the MacVim says I'm already at the latest version. I'm at "7.2 stable 1.2/33.3".

Probably because you are using a stable version, and MacVim 7.3 is still a snapshot.

The home page calls 7.3 a stable release. In my case I think it's because 7.3 is OS X 10.6 only and I'm still on 10.5.

Not necessarily. I'm on 10.6, but that does not seem to help.

I experience the same.

Try ending the actual process and then relaunching with your browser of choice open as well (I was having the same problem too)

I did, but to no avail.

Persistent undo/redo FTMFW

In case you didn't know, Vim already had undo "trees". My mind was BLOWN when I discovered this: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/usr_32.html -- Never again accidentally lose work by accidentally breaking your redo change!

The online docs are still 7.2, so I had to dig into the source for a link to the new persistent undo/redo docs (search for "undo-persistence"):


This is not a dis against Vim (I use both), but if any Emacs users are reading this and think "cool!": http://www.dr-qubit.org/undo-tree/undo-tree.el

I'm writing a new text editor and I spent an inordinate amount of time on the undo system. I never realized how many things the choice of undo implementation would affect.

But I did come to the conclusion that Emacs' default undo system is where it's at. Every modification should be undoable, including undos. Once you understand how it works, there's no longer a need for trees and the complexity that brings.

For those of us who are Vim users, could you explain the Emacs system?

EDIT: It seems that undo-tree.el file has a good explaination in the comments: http://www.dr-qubit.org/undo-tree/undo-tree.el

I can tell you a bit about how I implemented the same system in my editor.

It's quite simple if you think of every operation as a function that modifies the document. As you do something, a function that reverses those changes is pushed onto an undo stack. This incudes when you hit the "undo" button.

So if my document state looks like this:


where an arrow is a state change, my Undo stack will look like:


Where function U2 will get me from C to B, U1 from B to A, and U0 from A to the original document.

If I hit undo, that's a modification, so the state history looks like:


And my undo stack gets the "un-undo" pushed on the top, and looks like:


So U3, when executed, brings me from the second state B back to state C. I'll never lose anything because every state I've ever seen in the document is implicitly stored in the undo stack.

If you're wondering how pushing an un-undo function on top of the undo stack doesn't prevent you from going beyond one level of undo, it's a simple trick; there is an undo stack pointer that decrements every time you hit "undo" and resets on any non-undo action. This is why in emacs you used to have to "do something else" like type a character to break the undo chain and re-visit more recent states.

It's something in the line of every change is a transaction. A redo is a replay of a transaction. An undo is not exactly a rollback but a reverse of the change and also a new transaction. You can undo a transaction in the past by reaplying later transactions. Makes me think a bit about Operational Transforms but I couldn't synthesizes my precise thoughts on that.

Is this your editor? http://vian.sourceforge.net/

I saw you have experience with Haskell, have you seen Yi? http://yi-editor.blogspot.com/ It has an Emacs and Vim frontend, but is far from being finished.

Yes, it is. That's an extremely old version I wrote as a "let's see if I can do this" project. You can see the newer one by browsing the subversion repository, which unfortunately is broken until I commit the fix tonight.

I'm working on integrating it with Google docs so that you can work on your documents using a vi/emacs-like editor, which is extensible just like emacs except using javascript rather than elisp.

I hadn't seen yi, but it looks very similar to what I want to do, which is combine the best of vi and emacs into a new editor. I'm particularly interested in decent web-based editors, however; the implementation language is secondary.

Thank you thank you thank you for linking to this. I also use both editors (daily), and Emacs' undo system is easily among its worst and most annoying features, while Vim's undo system is among its best. The documentation at the top of undo-tree.el spells out exactly why this is the case. This library makes it all better.

Looking forward to playing around with the new Lua interface.

Me too, but I'm getting a "E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version" message when trying the new :lua* commands with the Windows version from the self-installing executable.

EDIT: Ah, the binary distribution is compiled with -lua (see :version). Cloning the Hg repository now...

Even as a new Vim user I'm constantly wishing all my text editing had it's features.

Vimtutor is great, but for a general outlook for someone learning vim this post is spot on: http://yehudakatz.com/2010/07/29/everyone-who-tried-to-convi...

Anyone got any links to good guides for getting into Vim if you are a Visual Studio user at present?

I keep hearing people talking about Vim and how it will change your life, mannn. Is there a good beginners guide?

I liked the visual guide: http://www.viemu.com/a_vi_vim_graphical_cheat_sheet_tutorial...

You can also get a vi plugin for Visual Studio http://www.viemu.com/ which is pretty cool.

As a long-time vim users and short-time Visual Studio user, I've found viemu to be a nice addition but frustrating to use. It conflicts with VS2010's keyboard shortcuts, and I've found myself doing the "random typing OMG what did I just do" thing fairly often. I hadn't done that in vim for over a decade.

Maybe it's just that viemu for VS2010 has only just come out recently, and may still need some tweaking. Long term, it's probably a great tool.

Their is also a free vim tool for Visual Studio that is semi complete but very usable. VsVim is what its called and I use it everyday.

Start by running vimtutor on just about any system that has Vim installed.

THIS. Get comfortable with moving from command to insert mode and back, moving around using the keyboard, and basic commands like delete, change and search (/). See how to combine these. From there, you're doing everything from the keyboard and learning new little shortcuts all the time.

Vimcasts are well done: http://vimcasts.org/

Peepcode has a pair of excellent starting with vim screen casts. I started a few weeks ago and they helped me a ton.


Sorry for the noob question, but what does "python 3 interface" mean?

It means that you can now write plugins for Vim using Python 3. It's worth noting that you could already write Vim plugins with Python 2.x.

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