That convinces me never to use Google for a primary, trusted account. It's just too easy to get locked out forever.
It's worth taking some time to think about how you will recover from various disasters: forgot password, drive crashed, lost phone, etc. IMHO the best approach is to have one account with a hard but memorable password, that you can access from any device, and use to bootstrap the rest of your accounts and passwords. Maybe also keep the password on a piece of paper stored where you will know if it has been accessed.
It's worth taking some time to think about how you will recover from various disasters: forgot password, drive crashed, lost phone, etc. IMHO the best approach is to have one account with a hard but memorable password, that you can access from any device, and use to bootstrap the rest of your accounts and passwords. Maybe also keep the password on a piece of paper stored where you will know if it has been accessed.