In my mind the only viable solutions are a form of automation tax along with universal income. Or some form of democratic and decentralized automation.
The long-term (and very successful in many countries) right-leaning policy strategy for decades has been replacing inheritance and capital gains and corporate profit taxes with income taxes, income taxes with (capped) payroll taxes, property taxes with sales taxes, shifting liability from corporations to employees and customers, privatizing public infrastructure and services, breaking down collective bargaining rights, cutting real minimum wages and worker protections, etc., as a way of shifting financial burdens away from capital and the financial services industry and the idle rich and toward workers and citizens. You’re going to need a huge political upheaval and significant effort to educate the public to push things back in the other direction.
Instead of taxes on automation I would recommend taxes on wealth and land value taxes, and very steep taxes on large inheritances, along with scrutinizing/outlawing various ways of hiding wealth by shifting it around between complicated webs of anonymous shell companies.
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