6.5 years for most devices, 5 years for some legacy cases, and it is a soft limit ie. they don't automatically enter EOL, they just stop guaranteeing the updates.
6.5 is pretty respectable. Not quite like Windows or general purpose Linux which can be upgraded almost indefinitely. I have Vista laptops released mid-2009 (>8yrs old) that run Windows 10 rather well considering their age. Of course, no one would have guaranteed 8yrs on those devices. I'd wonder what experiences people with EOL Chrome devices out there are having with upgrades.
I imagine you could still update with some wench-work. An EOL date of 6.5 sounds to me like a way to say that "beyond this point we will stop testing and ensuring compliance, and to avoid fucking over your relic (in PC terms), with an update that is untested on your specific hardware, we simply disable the automatic updates. Good luck."
Source: https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/6220366