That's the problem with not only this issue but many others like environmental pollution -- crimes are very hard to detect when the victims are numerous, and the damage is non-public. Needless to say there are many women who have been murdered for rejecting sexual advances.
Harvey Weinstein. More people suffered and to a greater extent, more money involved. If you didn't have the ability to Google up the Duke case you could not name a single person involved, but would have no problem naming some of Harvey's victims.
I think it's disingenuous to claim that actual victims of harassment haven't suffered as much as the Duke lacrosse players. As another commenter has pointed out, I'm sure there are cases where the situation has escalated to actual murder to silence the victim. Just as lynching has probably resulted from unfounded accusations in the past. People are awful!
Why do people have to take political sides rather than supporting actual truth and justice, regardless of who "wins" a particular case? It's infuriating.