This analysis was done by BBVA comparing Tyk and Kong performance - disclosure: I work for Kong, but Kong (the company) had no involvement with the benchmarking in that article.
Those BBVA benchmarks look very very wrong. BBVA achieved 3822 requests per second with a 16Gb server running Tyk.
I used a 16Gb Digital Ocean box, and a separate box to run benchmarks from.
Tyk CE with keyless api.
docker run --rm williamyeh/wrk -t4 -c100 -d1m --latency --timeout 2s
Running 1m test @
4 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 5.79ms 6.97ms 206.76ms 87.28%
Req/Sec 6.35k 0.93k 10.89k 74.33%
Latency Distribution
50% 3.19ms
75% 6.28ms
90% 15.93ms
99% 31.14ms
1516573 requests in 1.00m, 185.13MB read
Requests/sec: 25244.99
Transfer/sec: 3.08MB
As per above results, I got 25,244 requests per second. 90% of requests were served with sub 15ms latency.
Another thing - you can freely scale with Tyk CE as much as you want at no-cost. I currently run 3 gateways in prod and it doesn't cost a penny. The BBVA article states that you need to pay Tyk to scale - simply not true:
>However, if we want to deploy a significantly larger number of microservices, or simply ensure high-tolerance to failure, we need to scale up the number of gateways. In the case of Kong, all it takes is adding a new node and connecting it to the database. With Tyk we can do the same, although it will require us to pay for the service. This could be a determining factor when choosing what API Gateway to use.
I went through process picking API gateway about 3 months ago. Tyk is not without it's warts, but has far more out-of-box features baked in (inc distributed rate limiting) than Kong. And if custom plugins are required, I can choose between lua, python, js or anything that supports gRPC. With Kong - stuck with Lua.... no thank you.
I guess my point here is that if Tyk not performant enough for you, just add another gateway. And if I need custom functionality - I don't need to learn Lua.