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Sigh. When will employers (even good ones?) realize that the value of a developer is primarily in their approach and talent rather than years of experience?

If you're not opposed to relocating to the DC area and working primarily on the JVM, send your resume my way (gmail, luke dot vanderhart). We're a consulting company hiring junior developers. You'll have the chance to work on some pretty high-end government projects, and if you're worth it you will advance nicely in the company.

What do consultants with 5 years experience on the JVM in dc working on high-end government projects make? Just curious.

It varies widely depending on the company, education and other factors, but I've heard of anywhere between 70 and 100k for that experience level.

edit - That's salary, by the way, for salaried positions. Billing rate is an entirely different kettle of fish.

If you were 18, fresh to the industry and able to relocate, why wouldn't you relocate to the Bay Area - where anyone that can code will probably be able to pull $70k straight out the door.

I would honestly love to do that, but with my current savings ($), I simply can't without a job lined up.

because 70K in DC will go futher than 70K in the Bay Area. While DC is not cheap, it's not the Bay Area.

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