b) http://realmofracket.com/ . Great book I learned a ton and especially when I went through the book with my 11 year old daughter
4. The great minds of Lisp are at Racket (Ever read Little Schemer?)
5. Racket keeps getting better and better with great modern ideas. It might have been born from Academia it has awesome real world legs. Just look how easy it is to deploy your program after you are done.
6. Best documentation system of any language. The documentation is code and it makes for great documents. http://docs.racket-lang.org/
Racket isn't near as fast as SBCL though. However, now that Chez Scheme is open source, Racket is in the process of leveraging that run time. Also I don't know, but would guess deployment is easier with SBCL as it can build a standalone executable (albeit it is very large due to saving the running image).
I guess it's all based on perspective. Comparing to C, D, Nim...etc, it's huge. However, the mathematical model my company exports alone is 10-22 MB alone in just text or binary form (no code), so yeeeaaa I see what you're saying :)
1. It was designed to be a teaching language
2. Everything included. You get a great simple IDE and a ton of packages
3. Great teaching materials (I learned the most from HTDP than any other programming book and I have read a ton)
a) How to Design Programs http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/matthias/HtDP2e/
b) http://realmofracket.com/ . Great book I learned a ton and especially when I went through the book with my 11 year old daughter
4. The great minds of Lisp are at Racket (Ever read Little Schemer?)
5. Racket keeps getting better and better with great modern ideas. It might have been born from Academia it has awesome real world legs. Just look how easy it is to deploy your program after you are done.
6. Best documentation system of any language. The documentation is code and it makes for great documents. http://docs.racket-lang.org/