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These discussions often become "either/or", ignoring the possibility of studying STEM and other pre-professional fields while also receiving a thorough introduction to the humanities.

You can study Computer Science while also learning a bit of art history, or architecture, or psychology, or the sciences, or business, or...

And doing so might even make you more valuable to your employer, to yourself/your family, and to society.

> You are a burden on society if you don't have a productive job paying your own way... We believe is education required to be productive, so we subsidize education to get more productive people in society.

This mode of thinking is a great way to churn out lots of well-behaved, competent corporate employees. From this viewpoint, it follows that the path to the upper class is reserved for the already-rich.

Having a computer science degree does not guarantee gainful employment.

Nothing guarantees gainful employment.

So what?

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