I am a 24 year old guy who recently had an epiphany that the field i accidentally landed up in(programming) might just be what's my calling. But i want to get better at it than i already am today which frankly is not much.
and i need your help. I read this article by Peter Norvig in college http://norvig.com/21-days.html and have tried to follow it as a manifesto.
Specifically i want to ask these particular questions?
1. What blogs/books i can read on a daily basis to get a little better every day?
2. As i have a fulltime job which occassionally stretches into 12-16 hour workdays can i contribute to open source in a meaningful way? Or will working on a problem which i face is the better solution.
3. Any other tip that you might have, which you follow yourself or have seen someone doing that helps me towards this goal.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
#1 Try cutting down on blogs. There is really no need to read them daily.
#2 Try to include open-source patching into your actual fulltime job (of course, management has to agree with this, etc). If you already work 12-16 hours per day, don't burn yourself by trying to do open-source on the side.
#3 Follow the good programmers nearby. This means move the the team that has the best coders and best practices. Externally, go to user meetings and occasionally have your company pay for big conventions.