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The cops don't just show up to show the person the door, or to implement a permanent ban for the person to ever participate again in a town hall meeting. They show up because there are laws, and their role in society is to enforce those laws.

The digital equivalent of enforcing laws is to send police to the non-digital place where the criminal live and escort them to the police station for questioning. Police work in the digital space is identical to police work in non-digital place. The only exception to this is when the accused live outside the reach of the police, in which case blocking can be the only option available.

Banning people should be used with care. I read the EFF article in that context, and I doubt that they would object if the police went and visited someone accused of making death threats, threats of violence, or harassment. I also expect EFF to be there and watch if a difference in viewpoints would be labeled as either of those.

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