"if you want time when your parents won't be tracking you, you negotiate to get that time. It's like the negotiation that happens whenever a child wants to do anything without parental, or adult supervision."
The above is valid only if kids without your product have to negotiate right now for every moment out of sight of an adult. I don't think that is true (in general) anywhere. That would be a terrible childhood (and adolescence).
You are shrinking the time kids do have away from adult monitoring (at least as far as their location goes) to zero (with the unswitch-off-able version).
Just replace kids with employees. You can "negotiate" with your employer to not track you when you are off work, (he'll just get a message that you've switched off). So what's the problem? No adult will accept such a service (and there are good reasons for it). Why don't they apply to kids (including teenagers)?
But the problem isn't one of negotiation. The idea of subjecting anyone to potential 24 hour surveillance is terrible, especially when you dangle some bling in front of kids too young to realize what exactly they are opting into. Yes other people (including governments) are doing it but "he's doing it too" was never a valid defense.
(Imo) Kids shouldn't have to "negotiate" not being monitored every second of their lives. At least adults have the intellectual sophistication to think through the consequences of a leash like this and would flee from any such product like the spouses you interviewed, iow adults, are doing. Of course they aren't interested. Adults see the potential for misuse easily).
Kids are more likely to be too blinded by the thought of an IPhone to fully understand what they are giving up. And frankly I think only immature kids will ever consent to this kind for trackability.
I don't know you guys from Adam and I don't blame you for building this. You are trying to make money and not building anything illegal (I think). All I said is I think it is a slimy product (in other words ethically slimy not legally) and would never buy it for any kids I know.
This might make sense for very young kids or old people suffering from dementia or Alzheimers or something, but these don't need to be bribed to give away their privacy with an IPhone they couldn't otherwise afford.
All this needs is for one nasty incident for this to blow up in your faces. I am (slightly) surprised Apple allows this on their phones (and that YC is funding this. wtf?!!). As I said, not illegal, but (again imo, feel free to differ, ymmv etc) a somewhat unethical product.
To repeat, I am not condemning you as evil people. I do think you are being somewhat disingenuous with the "kids can opt in too" argument. Kids are not in a position of equal power with parents/other authorities for their "opt in" to have much value as a justification.
All that said this is your business. You (and your investors and customers) have to think this through. I am just a remote person expressing his opinion on the ethics of this thing.
I don't think you're condemning us or anything -- I appreciate the honest feedback. Founders love people who disagree with them (at least a little bit :)) -- we much prefer to hear what's wrong with our products that we can fix rather than hearing about what we've gotten right.
I think it's perhaps a little disingenuous to suggest that kids lack the intellectual sophistication to evaluate the consequences of using our app whilst simultaneously suggesting that they are fully capable of evaluating all the dangers in the world that they inhabit: if they don't need the supervision of parents, then surely they can figure out what deal they're taking? If they can't make that kind of decision, I'd argue that they probably do have some growing up to do before their parents could responsibly let them leave their supervision.
I say that not only as an interesting intellectual puzzle, but also because we've spoken to kids about this as well as parents. There's definitely an age where kids really, truly can't evaluate what's going on. I don't disagree. What we've found though is that mostly parents don't trust those kids with the kinds of phones they'd need to run this software (even if we did port to Android et al). Indeed, I don't think we've spoken to anyone giving their kids a phone of any kind at age, say, 7, and these kids are under basically constant adult supervision. At the other end of the spectrum, by 16, kids know exactly what's going on, and they're of an age where they could have the kinds of phones they'd need for this.
I should point out that these are not numbers I'm pulling out of the air, but summaries of actual conversations we've had with actual kids.
The question is really whether there's an age in between where there's a legitimate need for supervision, yet they're responsible enough to be trusted with a phone, and where the children are wanting to start exploring the world and gain some freedom -- it's typically going to be the kids pushing to get more freedom, rather than the parents willingly thrusting those freedoms onto the child.
Our position is that there is such a transitional period, when a child goes from basically constant supervision to basically none, and that parents have a legitimate need to know where their kids are. It will vary for different kids and different families, but I do think that easing both parents and kids through that stage with an app like this is a net win for all concerned: if having this app gives parents the confidence to let their kids go farther afield, then we're accelerating the development of the child, rather than stunting it.
As for why YC is funding us, we ask ourselves that every day! :)
"I think it's perhaps a little disingenuous to suggest that kids lack the intellectual sophistication to evaluate the consequences of using our app whilst simultaneously suggesting that they are fully capable of evaluating all the dangers in the world that they inhabit: "
Since I never made that suggestion, I don't have to defend it.
Your "kids live in a dangerous world they can be protected from my constant surveillance" is an argument/frame you added not something I said. You are taking one part of my argument, adding some bits you thought up and creating a false dichotomy.
What I said.
(1) Kids don't have as much intellectual sophistication as adults to see through the wiles of product marketing folks.
(2) Kids are not in a position of equality of power with parents. This is ok in general and is only an issue with folks like you use the "but kids opt in too" as an argument. "Consent" is dicey in a situation of unequal power. In other words I am thinking your "opt in" argument is weak.
Now that is what I said. Where is the disingenuousness again? The rest of it is your frame. The following is your opinion not mine - (1)Kids live in a very dangerous world and are at high risk of bad things happening to them unless they can be monitored constantly. (2) Parents can protect them by tracking them constantly (and letting some random company store and process this data)
What I think
(a) Most kids don't live in an an ultra dangerous world, Sure there are dangerous parts of the world. Most kids do just fine avoiding those.
(b) Parents who are constantly worried about their kids being abducted or killed or whatever and need to spy on them to reassure themselves and have to bribe them with phones to get their "consent" to be spied upon are probably paranoid.
(c) irrespective of the "danger level" of the world, constant surveillance by parents is not the solution.(This is the same argument governments make when they try to reduce privacy of their citizens _ "See there are all these terrorists out there and dangerous things may heppen to you when we are not looking so we have to snoop on you for your own good. If you aren't doing anything sinister what is your problem anyway?". Sure it is a good scare tactic, but hardly a sound argument.
(d) Whether constant surveillance by parents actually reduces any existing danger is yet to be shown. You are only addressing the paranoia not the danger.
(e) All of this this has nothing to do with your product reducing the kids privacy to essentially zero from some non zero value, (sure "just to protect them" ;-) ).
I am trying to give you feedback honestly (since this is HN. I wouldn't bother elsewhere) Please don't put words in my mouth.
That said, now I am getting dubious about you guys personally. You are meeting honest feedback with mis characterization. Not a good sign. I am done talking to you gentlemen.
The above is valid only if kids without your product have to negotiate right now for every moment out of sight of an adult. I don't think that is true (in general) anywhere. That would be a terrible childhood (and adolescence). You are shrinking the time kids do have away from adult monitoring (at least as far as their location goes) to zero (with the unswitch-off-able version).
Just replace kids with employees. You can "negotiate" with your employer to not track you when you are off work, (he'll just get a message that you've switched off). So what's the problem? No adult will accept such a service (and there are good reasons for it). Why don't they apply to kids (including teenagers)?
But the problem isn't one of negotiation. The idea of subjecting anyone to potential 24 hour surveillance is terrible, especially when you dangle some bling in front of kids too young to realize what exactly they are opting into. Yes other people (including governments) are doing it but "he's doing it too" was never a valid defense.
(Imo) Kids shouldn't have to "negotiate" not being monitored every second of their lives. At least adults have the intellectual sophistication to think through the consequences of a leash like this and would flee from any such product like the spouses you interviewed, iow adults, are doing. Of course they aren't interested. Adults see the potential for misuse easily).
Kids are more likely to be too blinded by the thought of an IPhone to fully understand what they are giving up. And frankly I think only immature kids will ever consent to this kind for trackability.
I don't know you guys from Adam and I don't blame you for building this. You are trying to make money and not building anything illegal (I think). All I said is I think it is a slimy product (in other words ethically slimy not legally) and would never buy it for any kids I know.
This might make sense for very young kids or old people suffering from dementia or Alzheimers or something, but these don't need to be bribed to give away their privacy with an IPhone they couldn't otherwise afford.
All this needs is for one nasty incident for this to blow up in your faces. I am (slightly) surprised Apple allows this on their phones (and that YC is funding this. wtf?!!). As I said, not illegal, but (again imo, feel free to differ, ymmv etc) a somewhat unethical product.
To repeat, I am not condemning you as evil people. I do think you are being somewhat disingenuous with the "kids can opt in too" argument. Kids are not in a position of equal power with parents/other authorities for their "opt in" to have much value as a justification.
All that said this is your business. You (and your investors and customers) have to think this through. I am just a remote person expressing his opinion on the ethics of this thing.