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> BTW, TLA+-style declarative proofs are not always better than Coq-style imperative proofs. They are certainly easier to read (the proof language was designed to be easily readable by humans), but they're sometimes harder to write, because it's largely an iterative trial-and-error process: you first try to prove the entire proposition automatically. If it fails, you look at the error message, try to see the difficulty, and then break the proof down into smaller steps, and so on.

I'd say it still appears to be better than fully-impertive "manual" process. (though I have used neither Coq nor TLA+).

- In Coq, you have to construct the whole proof yourself. Coq system merely verifies what you constructed.

- In TLA+, you need to do 1 or more iterations, but you have the full-weight of the computation behind you, sharing your cognitive load. Your only cognitive load is to think about the critical parts of the proof, if any, and the system will do the rest.

I wonder if the TLA+ system also uses a "database of propositions" behind the scenes to help with faster inference, e.g., something equivalent to Russell and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica (but in a coded form), or like metamath.

> I'd say it still appears to be better than fully-impertive "manual" process.

I really don’t know. It may largely depend on what you want to do, and I believe Coq also has powerful proof automation, albeit one that works differently. Both take quite a bit of practice to write. The main thing I can say is that TLA+ proofs are easy to read. In any event, formal proofs in any style are far from a walk in the park (which is why when using TLA+ in practice we try to avoid them altogether and just use the model-checker).

Also, TLA+ is a much gentler introduction to formal methods, as it's so, so, so much easier to learn, and the availability of a model checker means that, when learning, you can concentrate on writing specifications, a much more important skill than writing proofs (if you're interested in software, that is).

> I wonder if the TLA+ system also uses a "database of propositions" behind the scenes to help with faster inference, e.g., something equivalent to Russell and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica (but in a coded form), or like metamath.

It automatically uses the axioms of the core logic (essentially ZFC set theory with a Hilbert's choice operator, some simple theorems on the built-in sets, like the natural numbers [0] plus TLA, which is a simple yet very powerful temporal logic for computational reasoning). Other than that, it is a core principle of the system that you manually list which theorems are to be used for each step of the proof. It doesn't only help the provers -- it also helps the human reader. But, to save you typing, you can write "USE lemma1, lemma2", and have them automatically added to all following steps.

The proof language (like the entire specification language) was designed mostly by Leslie Lamport, based on his "structured proof" style detailed here [1]. The appendix of the paper lists some formal calculus proofs, checked with TLAPS, if you want to get a sense of what those proofs look like.

[0]: For example, here's the proof for the natDiff lemma from the post:

    LEMMA natDiff ≜ ∀ n1, n2 ∈ Nat : ∃ n3 ∈ Nat : n1 = n2 + n3 ∨ n2 = n1 + n3
    PROOF OBVIOUS (* this is automatically verified using just built-in axioms/theorems *)
So, actually, it doesn't even need to be stated.

[1]: https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/pubs/proof.pdf

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