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Perl has a lot of crappy language design decisions (which make it "fun" and a tire fire waiting to happen in any large-ish codebase):

- interpretation of a variable (is it a list, a number, a string, a hash?) depends on the context in which it's used, and the context depends on, um, its context;

- pervasive global state (`$_` and friends);

- you can mess with compile-time operations, patch the language on the fly, e.g. during module imports;

- autovivification: a single read by key from a hash is enough to actually create this key; variables are a number and a string at once, but the number will not be computed until you need this variable in number context. Reading a non-existing key in a hash as a hash actually creates a new subhash.

- ties: you can override access to any variable by your methods;

- the built-in data structures are special, there is no sane way to emulate and extend them (but, as usual, for sure there are insane ways);

- the built-in `sort` takes a code block (not a closure with parameters), that has magic variables `$a` and `$b` appearing out of thin air. It looks like a closure, but it's not.

- features are often added in a convoluted way. E.g. there was a (now deprecated) feature that allowed `push` and `shift` to take a reference to a hash instead of a hash directly. How was it implemented internally? Basically by backpatching the error condition when the existing `push`/`shift` choked on a reference.

- the language design principle is "Do What I Mean" (where the "I" part varies). It's ironic that a language built "for human communication" by a linguist (what could possibly go wrong?) is harder to read and to reason about that programming languages built around logic.

On the other hand, if your business brings enough income to pay good developers with strong discipline, you can still have a big codebase in Perl and sustain it for years: it's better to have a terrible language and good engineers than bad engineers and a good language.

Most of these design decisions are very useful and pragmatic, and not everyone regards them as "crappy".

Additionally, there are several misleading statements in your post. I expect you are aware of the following but just for the record:

> - pervasive global state (`$_` and friends);

Perl uses dynamic scoping (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scope_(computer_science)#Dynam...) when setting $_ and friends. For example:

    $ perl -E '$_ = "A"; say; say for ("B", "C"); say;'
For me, dynamic scoping (and, relatedly, RAII) is sorely missed in languages that don't have it. (Although I do agree about $a/$b in sort -- that's a language wart, but not too bad in practice)

> - autovivification: a single read by key from a hash is enough to actually create this key;

Not true:

    $ perl -MData::Dumper -e 'my $h = {}; $h->{a}; print Dumper($h)'
    $VAR1 = {};
You need to read it as a hash or array reference for it to autovivify:

    $ perl -MData::Dumper -e 'my $h = {}; $h->{a}->{b}; print Dumper($h)'
    $VAR1 = {
              'a' => {}
Autovivification is another feature that I miss in languages that lack it.

Your points about the perl5 implementation are definitely accurate, although I suspect a lot of language implementations have their own dirty laundry as well. :)

>It's ironic that a language built "for human communication" by a linguist (what could possibly go wrong?) is harder to read and to reason about that programming languages built around logic.

It's not like having a fascination with weird language quirks makes you have good taste in languages. Especially because weird quirks are the end of usability.

Perl is essentially a pigdin or creole language composed of C, shell, awk, sed and POSIX concepts with bits of Lisp thrown in.

If you know Unix, you will already know about 80% of perl. If you know Perl well, you already know a lot of Unix concepts.

Perl is a pain to learn if you don't have a solid Unix background. However, IME, if you acknowledge the sources Perl draws from, look at how they're integrated, and spend some time learning the underlying technical culture, it actually simplifies the learning process.

Interestingly enough, it's also easier to learn a natural language if you spend some time learning the underlying culture.

>Perl is essentially a pigdin or creole language composed of C, shell, awk, sed and POSIX concepts with bits of Lisp thrown in.

That mixing and matching seems exactly like the quirks a linguist would pick up that lower usability (at least for the general user, Unix users are kind of used to being thrown in the deep end of the usability pool).

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