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See also Floobits, which is a fully-realized, production ready service that allows collaborative real-time editing of your editors entire workspace.

Floobits has plugins for all major editors, including Vim and IntelliJ, as well as Google Hangouts.


Disclosure: I used Floobits a few times and think it’s awesome 10/10

Tested with neovim, really does not work (you must edit greater than 40 lines away from each other or so, or else the editor bugs out).

Floobits does not work. I've tried it several times hopefully. It simply doesn't do anything.

Please enlighten us to how you got it to work at all. I use neovim.

It's worked great for me in Sublime and Intellij. I've never tried it with Neovim :(

I love Floobits also. Works great in those I've tested: IntelliJ, Atom, and Emacs. But what is still missing in many of these peer programming solutions is the ability to leave for a few moments (or a few days) then return and do a playback of what your peer(s) did while you were gone.

Except, it's not Vim, it's Neovim.

Might it work in vim8 now?

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