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It depends on what you call socialism. If it means the government owning everything, then Sweden isn't socialist, but if it means that people get what they need, then Sweden is pretty socialist. There's little poverty, very generous maternity leave, unemployment and disability payment, etc.

Socialism is a big tent with many different branches[0]. They share the goal that they want more economic equality and less inequality, but disagree on how to get there. Marx was a big proponent of State Socialism with the state owning everything, but he had a number of very vocal opponents like Bakunin, who claimed Marx's ideas would lead to tyranny.

Social democracy is a more moderate form of socialism that tries to mix socialism, democracy and capitalism. Libertarian socialism or anarchism considers the state to be the source of inequality, and wants to accomplish equality without a state or with a very different kind of state.

[0] mixed metaphor alert!

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