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Corruption [1], I guess. It appears to me that if a country has access to oil or minerals and still has bad infrastructure or a suffering population, it sits high on the corruption index.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Venezuela

You can't embezzle $20B without massive international cover up operation. These kind of money stick up.

So we should be actually be asking, who's got it? Should not we make them reimburse money towards Venezuela's lenders?

María Gabriela Chávez is worth around $4 billion. Not sure how you’ll ask her to give it back though.

Don't see why you won't put those money towards repaying Venezuela's debts.

You don't go asking of course. International corruption is well past politely asking stage.

And Isabel dos Santos, daughter of former Angolan dictator J. E. dos Santos, has a net worth of 3bn US dollar.

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