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Because it's part of your job.

There is much, much more to your job than what's in the job description. For starters, you have to make your manager happy, so he can feel justified in continuing to pay you. Showing up at the office on time -- early in the morning -- is a form of virtue signalling. It's used as a proxy for self-discipline and reliability -- traits valued in an employee.

Yeah, yeah, I know. "My deliverables should be the only proxy I need; as long as I'm getting my work done I should be able to work from anywhere." It's one of those subtle psychological things. It takes a long history -- longer than the average Hackernews's career at any one place -- of deliverables shipped on time and under budget before the manager will feel confident you're reliable enough to deliver guaranteed value when called upon to do so. Showing up on time increases their confidence in you and decreases the chance that they will wake up one morning and decide you no longer merit that generous tech-bubble paycheck.

So cowboy up, set your alarm for 6 AM, and get to work early.

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