This step-by-step script building demonstration (with highlighted "new" lines!) is just awesome. I've seen this approach in a couple of programming books, but hardly ever on programming blogs.
This is actually how I code for the most part. I comment out and indent the general structure of the algorithms/structures without the literal code and then when that's done I go back and add the actual language syntax, types, lookups, etc.
This is particularly helpful for developers like me who jump daily between many different languages. It helps me get the design down first and come back and worry about getting into a specific language syntax/mindset only after I've thought through all of the logic and conditions at a high-to-mid level.
I don't know about the Linux kernel, but David Hanson used exactly this approach to brilliant effect with "A Retargetable C Compiler", if you ever wanted to know how a compiler works in line-by-line detail.