Have you been here long? We call it a “Michigan winter” for a reason. Yes, Detroit suffers less for a few reasons, but I still wouldn’t agree with your assertion.
It doesn’t sound like you’re describing the Detroit I grew up in, where dozen+ car pileups are a regular occurrence, particularly the big hundred+ ones on 94 out your way. That’s even discounting the wide-area ice storms that knock out power from everything getting coated in three to four inches of pure ice, which I can remember happening at least four or five times when I was younger. The last couple winters have been relatively light. We are due for a whopper.
Seriously, Michigan winter is accelerated natural selection for drivers. You learn quick or you die.
It doesn’t sound like you’re describing the Detroit I grew up in, where dozen+ car pileups are a regular occurrence, particularly the big hundred+ ones on 94 out your way. That’s even discounting the wide-area ice storms that knock out power from everything getting coated in three to four inches of pure ice, which I can remember happening at least four or five times when I was younger. The last couple winters have been relatively light. We are due for a whopper.
Seriously, Michigan winter is accelerated natural selection for drivers. You learn quick or you die.