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I wished I'd known that Vagrant + Windows is always full of surprises. So many problems with Windows developers because Vagrant will not work as expected there :(

Anybody know any best practices what to do with Windows developers? I'm thinking of going to docker... but I'm not sure if this really helps.

> Anybody know any best practices what to do with Windows developers?

I always just run a Linux VM and do most things there, with host directories cross-mounted via Cygwin sshd and sshfs (faster, more reliable, and better permissions mapping in my experience than Virtualbox shared folders) and anything that needs to take advantage of filesystem capabilities not supported in NTFS, such as the symlinks mentioned in a sibling comment, done outside a mounted directory.

This lets me get work done, but it's a suboptimal experience to say the least, and relies heavily on my prior systems administration experience to stay working when it goes weird. Absent such experience among your developers or at least someone you can put in support of them, about the best I can recommend is to struggle through with Vagrant and your local handful of best practices - at least with Vagrant your dev environments are reproducible, so that when things go too cattywampus you can just burn down the VM and pop a fresh one out of the oven and get back to work. (If your Vagrant boxes aren't reproducible, that's the first thing you want to fix.)

Docker for Windows is not going to be an improvement here; on the one hand, it's newer and less battle-hardened, and on the other, it has to run in a VM anyway. (Either Hyper-V or VirtualBox, each of which has its own idiosyncrasies, and only one of which can be used at a time - enable Hyper-V, VirtualBox doesn't work any more.) Docker for Windows, like Docker for Mac, comes with some plumbing that tries to smooth over the impedance mismatch between platforms, but it's lossy and brings its own headaches, so you're just adding more complexity to the dev env for no real gain - you can just run Docker in your Vagrant boxes, if you actually need Docker, and have one fewer headache that way.

Similar approach here.

I usually have a "management" vagrant box that exposes my gitrepo back to the Windows host with samba. I then have two or three other vagrant machines that can access the same gitrepo via an NFS mount to the "management" machine.

This way I can still code in VSCode on my windows host but I do all my git commits via the CLI on the "management" vagrant box. The advantage with this approach is file permissions don't get messed up and symlinks work (i.e. you can follow and edit them on the windows host).

The only major disadvantage is if your repo has symlinks you can't create new symlinks on the windows host and you can't use Git for Windows (and, by extension, the git addon for VSCode). This is because Samba "fakes" symlinks on windows and doesn't truly support them (although it might be able to do so in the future). More info here: https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues/1195

I believe that mainstream docker development is in a much better place nowadays on windows, so it's worth a shot...

That said, anecdotally: repeatedly for the last 3ish years I've been running into docker-on-windows issues that have developed into complete showstoppers during development. This has repeateded across multiple projects and employers. I have an arms-length list of issues that are purely installation related, not even touching my code. I currently am using two dev machines with that had their Hyper-V installations irreparably broken because they were not US-EN windows, rendering them useless for most virtualization. "Full of surprises" is a nice way to put it :)

In those intances, after burning a ton of time, I've landed on a simple conclusion: it is a _lot_ easier to get a VM on OS X to be windows than it is to get windows to pretend to be a competent POSIX environment.

I am optimistic that windows will come around. I am hopeful their posix layer will work out, and their local bash shell will become nice, and the ecosystem will work. I have some faith that next-gen windows will handle this much better...

From experience, though, and for my own projects and developers in 2017: if you want to do container development on windows, get a mac.

WSL along with Docker for Windows works amazingly well.

It's what I use as my primary development environment for every day web development.

I have a full write on how to get everything working here: https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/setting-up-docker-for-windows...

that looks like an interesting guide :)

One thing you might want to add is a bit of a warning about the risks of exposing a Docker daemon to the network with tlsverify=false as that would enable anyone who can reach the port on the network to run docker commands and likely take over the host OS.

VmWare player is free and has been working perfectly for a decade.

HyperV should be alright but I don't think it comes with the desktop license for Windows 7+.

VirtualBox never caught up with VmWare when it comes to supported features and stability.

Vagrant is a wrapper around virtualbox so it suffers from the same issues. They could never use VmWare because the free edition doesn't provide API for integrations.

Docker on Windows is totally experimental. They ported to Windows for the PR and next round of funding. Don't expect anything to work.

I have been using Docker in Windows 10, and it works. It did install Virtualbox.

Agreed, symlinks and file permissions always seem to bite the people working on Windows. There are parts of our build process that people working on Windows simply can't run because symlinks are created and VirtualBox/Windows complain.

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