> why on earth does the mascot for this thing have to be an underage anime girl in a short skirt?
Because the creators are french and french grow up seeing a lot of anime? because your conception of sexism might be different than the french (I assume you're an american)? because different cultures have different morals? I mean there are naked statues of women everywhere in french cities.
Hi, I'm the maintainer of the project, I'm actually taking into account the feedback. The reason we created this mascot was mostly to have different sets of stickers in the project.
I'm personally paying artists to create original Creative Common content and then have exclusive stickers for each Movim releases, if you have a look at the previous versions we already added a little racoon and a marmot (to also support the project ZeMarmot http://film.zemarmot.net/en/ and by extension the funding of The GIMP project). It's also to support content with free license and push forward artists within the project :)
For this set, the idea was also to submit those stickers on other services like Viber or LINE (that is actually the NĀ°1 messaging network in Japan) to actually fund the project and bring people from other countries to it.
I'm really sorry if this is shocking some people and I'll see what I can do. Also, as an admin, you can easily remove (or add) new sets of stickers on your own Movim instance if you want.
Or maybe rschulman was just looking for some web interface to complement corporate XMPP server, in which case appealing to cultural differences (no matter whether it's relevant/valid or not) will make virtually no difference.
(Also, comparing antique statues to anime girls? I'm not sure about that either.)
Because the creators are french and french grow up seeing a lot of anime? because your conception of sexism might be different than the french (I assume you're an american)? because different cultures have different morals? I mean there are naked statues of women everywhere in french cities.