Educate? The only thing between me and a home cooked meal is fast food. Cooking is not inaccessible.
If the only problem is nutrition education then that is not a rich person privilege.
A large majority of the public cannot afford Whole foods but are educated enough to understand that home cooked meals from non-processed ingredients are healthier than their counterparts.
If education is all it took we'd all be rich with six pack abs. (Derek Sivers.)
Habit rules all.
Make unhealthy food illegal? Make marketing unhealthy food illegal?
See, your logic is sound, and the math isn't working out recently though.
I learned to cook from my depression era grandmother. Home cooking is healthy, but not always cheap.
My grandmother used to tell me "this meal is $1.37 per serving"
As we made things, I learned to cook in le curset pots from a woman who used to travel the world with Martin yan and Julia child... (we were state department family and had a lot of opportunity)
But my main point remains: the "educate" is pArt-and-parcel to the whole greater idea of a home cooked meal: "family time"
"Fast food is the bane of existence as we have basically brought generations to not value what home cooking means... then we exploit them in the cheap labor force and perpetuate the idea that having a "home cooked meal" means that "the way mom used to cook it" is an actual phrase and it means the disruption of the basis of modern society, the family...
This issue can spiral and spiral, but my point is that rather than basic income, we need basic pantry - the basis of understanding, having access to, and the knowledge to cook a good meal without breaking the home (due to how hard people need to work at jobs for their ability to provide food on the table)
> only the rich shall eat healthy
> only the rich shall eat fancy
It's easy to eat healthy if you're not rich. Buy non-processed ingredients and cook them yourself.