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ACME Support in Apache HTTP Server Project (letsencrypt.org)
230 points by jaas on Oct 17, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 75 comments

I'm curious how renewals will be handled. According to https://github.com/icing/mod_md/wiki#no-auto-restart-when-st...

"...you have to manually restart httpd for any certificate changes to take effect."

It's easy enough to have a daily cronjob that just reloads Apache unconditionally, but that feels dirty.

Apache supports graceful restarts, in which new children processes are spawned and old ones replaced without dropping existing connections

This doesn't affect certain portions of Apache, like the part that handles TLS.

Recent versions of Apache (2.4.x) do support it

Ah, guess I should review the documentation more frequently.

Service apache2 reload

The same thing is required of nginx.

I personally have a cron script set up on my domain gateway to update certificates once a month and reload nginx, at the end. Total unavailability is about .5 sec once a month.

Reload process in nginx isn't graceful?

It is. I hadn't even looked into it, because I set the job to off hours and the domains have low enough volume even a non-graceful reload wouldn't effect anything.

Thanks for asking, because now I know. I was just assuming the same lag I see in the CLI.

Huh, that's a rather interesting limitation. I guess internally mod_md must be changing the configuration of the server with every renewal? Otherwise I'm not sure why a restart would be needed; the server should just start using the new cert for new connections.

About the elephant in the room: Let’s Encrypt is becoming too big to fail. Wasn’t the point of open sourcing the whole protocol so that we could have multiple CAs like Lets Encrypt?

It seems that running a free CA doesn't really have a business model, so capitalism isn't going to produce viable competitors.

Additionally, other impact-focused people (non-profits, etc.), who would otherwise be willing to make a free CA, probably think Let's Encrypt is doing good enough, so why waste valuable time making the same thing when you could focus on having an impact elsewhere?

I suspect this is a pretty common end result in public-good tasks that don't have business models. They naturally grow to be too big to fail. Some governments try to solve this by just absorbing the task and making it a part of the government's responsibilities. I doubt this would happen for Let's Encrypt, so I guess we'll be stuck with a too-big-to-fail non-profit until it fails, starts to suck too much, gets absorbed by the government, or someone figures out a business model.

I would think (hope) that big ad companies like Google and Facebook would find that the proliferation of https is good for business and provide a free CA

Both Facebook and Chrome/Google are top-level sponsors of Let's Encrypt. So I guess you are correct and they have?

Google is a platinum sponsor of letsencrypt

But can't the Acme protocol be used by paid cert providers, too? Are there any paid providers adopting it?

Yes, it can. However, the running-a-free-CA part is what is too big to fail, not the protocol.

Can anyone offer insight into why there isn't another CA that implemented ACME?

There no reason they can't charge money for certificates issued through it, or in fact use it for EV certificates (after a separate initial verification process).

Is the market size of people who would like to automate certificate renewal but want to use a commercial CA zero?

A number of CAs are working on ACME server implementations, based on posts on the working group mailing list.

There are a couple of reasons why none are available today. First, ACME isn't quite standardized yet. Let's Encrypt currently implements an older draft and will start offering an ACME server running what will become the RFC version of ACME early next year. It makes sense for other CAs to wait for the standardization process to finish (hopefully while working on their own implementation and giving feedback!) rather than implement the draft currently supported by Let's Encrypt and all clients, and then migrating to an incompatible new version soon after. Going live with a server supporting the latest draft wouldn't make much sense either since clients wouldn't work with it.

Another reason is that the later drafts saw a couple of additions and changes that are relevant for commercial CAs, for example things like the ability to bind ACME accounts to existing CA accounts and around the way out-of-band processes are handled (payments, validation steps that cannot or must not be automated). This was done based on the feedback from a small number of commercial CAs that were active in the working group and should hopefully make ACME a viable option for many others.

Ah, I didn't notice that it was still Internet Draft status.

Thanks - this is exactly the type of summary I was looking for.

ACME is an open protocol. The LE servers are open source. You can run your own ACME server, the same code base as LE if you even wish, and it'll work fine with Caddy and Apache.

And if you think it's too big to fail, I encourage you to start your own ACME-compatible sister CA to Let's Encrypt. And if you're now realizing you don't have the resources to do that, you just answered your own questions (but you can still donate to the EFF or to Let's Encrypt directly: https://letsencrypt.org/donate/)

There are companies that run ACME internally so all their internal resources are secure. They can then push the company CA via group policies, or make them available for Linux devs to install.

But you're right about trying to run another public LetsEncrypt style CA. Getting your root cert signed and into browsers is a major undertaking and I'm really glad we have LetsEncrypt. We might be tied to one big provider, but everything they've done is open if other people want to attempt it.

That is indeed a problem, but there are several factors which I think make it less of a problem than it would be with other "too big to fail" CAs.

First, because certificate issuance is automated, if Let's Encrypt ever had to migrate to a new root cert they could do so in a way that's almost completely transparent to its clients. Aside from sites that have the old roots pinned, Let's Encrypt could simply start signing new certs with a different root and everyone could just carry on like nothing happened.

Second, because of the low validity period on Let's Encrypt certs, if such a transition did become necessary the entire process could be completed in ~90 days. This is in contrast to other "too big to fail" CAs (e.g. Symantec), where the process of distrusting the old roots takes years.

These factors don't eliminate the concern entirely, of course, but they do make the overall situation much better.

I thought the point of the process was to automate certificate issuance so that HTTPS could be deployed everywhere. I didn't think distributing CAs was part of that, or even desirable.

This is going to be huge for HTTPS adoption on the web. In the future all web servers should have this feature.

I wonder which will be next? IIS? Nginx?

Klaus Krapfenbauer, a participant of Mozilla Winter Of Security, already implemented a PoC module for Nginx: https://github.com/mozilla/mwos-letsencrypt-2015

Unfortunately, it seems to be very dead.

That sucks. Besides the dumb low cert expiration length, built in support for Nginx is why I haven't adopted Let's Encrypt.

The low cert expiration date is by design. If you don't have a script renewing it automatically, you aren't doing it right.

Nginx already has this via OpenResty and a script: https://github.com/GUI/lua-resty-auto-ssl

If they take the apache approach, and its a loadable module, sure.

I personally don't want Apache loading mod_ssl (or this module either) when I'm not using it. With things like nginx, caddy, etc you have to recompile to remove that part, if it's even possible.

IIS has support through a powershell script

Link please?

This is awesome. We're having early success with https://github.com/GUI/lua-resty-auto-ssl + https://openresty.org/ to support thousands of custom domains.

This is why I think projects like caddy/traefik shouldn't get too comfortable thinking Let's Encrypt / HTTPS support by default alone is going to differentiate them too much. They're one PR away from having their major selling point becoming irrelevant in the face of the competition.


Caddy is written in a memsafe language.

(I don't use caddy, but I always saw the "HTTPS by default" thing more as a nice thing to have, but not hugely important given that you can have the same with external scripts in apache or nginx. But being memsafe is the real distinguisher and one that certainly isn't reachable with a pull req in apache or nginx.)

Caddy doesn’t even adhere to the URL RFCs.

The URL RFCs specifically say that a DNS name in a URL can be written relatively, or absolutely with the root zone.

These are valid URLs: https://google.com/ and https://google.com./ As you notice, both work fine. Same with every major site, and every major webserver.

Now, you’ll notice that https://caddyserver.com/ works, but https://caddyserver.com./ doesn’t. Caddy, the server, doesn’t support it, but you have to enter every domain twice manually. And caddy, the website, doesn’t support it either.

This was closed as a WONTFIX, despite every implementation of a webserver except for traefik and caddy doing it the same way.

> Same with every major site, and every major webserver.

I last tried this a few years back (probably around 2011). I found that a substantial fraction of major sites did not support it, and a substantial fraction of those that seemed to support it produced web pages that were at least partially broken.

I tried it in 2016 again, and under the alexa top million sites, I found basically all supported it, even if just with a redirect.

Mostly because nowadays every CDN, nginx, Apache2, IIS and HAProxy all support it by default.

IIS might support it, but Microsoft doesn't (universally): social.technet.microsoft.com, live.com, bing.com, office.com, skype.com all fail to properly load or redirect. As does instagram.com and linkedin.com.

It sounds like the situation has improved (if you consider it an improvement!) since then.

But did all of them function correctly? Assertions about the host are very common. Many things operate by domain whitelists, and so things like font loaders and analytics will commonly not work. Cross-origin resource loading will often break, if `*` is not used.

(Most of the things that I expect to break are unimportant, but there will still be a non-trivial number of important breakages.)

Is there any actual benefit or purpose in supporting both formats?

So, it's to be able to indicate that we wrote a FQDN, otherwise the DNS client, if it has a local search path, will check if it's a relative domain first.

I have to admit it's technically a benefit, but if you have a search path that resolves FQDNs as relative domains, isn't half of your software broken anyway? I can't say I've ever seen a FQDN with a dot at the end on any hardcoded or default value.

> but if you have a search path that resolves FQDNs as relative domains, isn't half of your software broken anyway

That’s correct, but it shouldn’t be that way.

I should be able to have google.com resolve to google.com.local.kuschku.de in my resolver, without issue, and the actual website should use google.com.

The fact that we don’t do that today breaks many parts of the original DNS and URL RFCs.

DNS software has absolute domain names in config files. In BIND zone files you have entries like "IN NS ns1.example.com." specifying the nameserver for the domain.

I bet some software implicitly uses absolute domains. URLs are just specified not to work like that.

What? They're not even comparable. Here are distinct advantages of all three as I see them:

- Traefik has cross-platform, highly dynamic proxying

- Apache has such widespread use and market saturation

- Caddy is the only server, even in the face of mod_md, to have fully automatic HTTPS by default

The thread you linked to has nothing to do with any of this, except that it links to this comment by myself, which preempts your claim: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15433788

They are absolutely comparable and the advantages each one have don't exclude the others from attaining the same features.

Traefik cross-platform? All others are. Highly dynamic. What does that even mean? All are "dynamic".

Apache has widespread use and market saturation... how's that the single advantage it has? It's been evolving a lot.

Caddy is the only server to have fully automatic HTTPS? How much longer mod_md get that?

I think you've missed all of my single point and kind of confirm my fears.

The link which I posted has everything to do with this discussion. It's about Caddy thinking a bad business plan will work because "caddy is the only server to have fully automatic HTTPS by default".

Last question, is Caddy thinking of hiring a CEO or sales person? I think it should.

> Traefik cross-platform? All others are.

Not true - (stable) mod_md builds are not yet available for all platforms.

> how's that the single advantage it has?

Where did I say it was the "single advantage"?

> Caddy is the only server to have fully automatic HTTPS? How much longer mod_md get that?

You forgot "by default" -- and probably never, not on Apache's main release tree. Or at least not for a long time.

> I think you've missed all of my single point and kind of confirm my fears.

Why are you afraid? What are you afraid of? This is literally the epitome of spreading FUD.

> mod_md builds are not yet available for all platforms.

Do you have reason to believe they won't be? Are you betting your business on the failure of Apache to do basic release engineering?

> Where did I say it was the "single advantage"?

That's fair. Because you listed it then I think that's the "major" advantage. Is that right?

> ou forgot "by default" -- and probably never, not on Apache's main release tree. Or at least not for a long time.

Why? Let's Encrypt and HTTPS by default being something that a lot of people want, why do you think Apache will ignore that and not include mod_md in Apache "for a long time"?

Competition is good. I don't have major reasons to be afraid but I would like Caddy/Traefik and others to succeed. From the very basic mistakes they're making in coming up with a business plan, I don't think they will. And no, being open source alone is not reason enough to ensure project survival.

If you re-read your own comment, I think you're the one spreading FUD about those other projects (and their implied inability to outpace Caddy).

Because those projects are very conservative about making things default. Apache famously has (had now?) bad defaults that no one should use, just for compatibility reasons.

Keep in mind that caddy is not only https by default, it's HTTP/2 by default as well. How long until that is by default in Apache?

And I don't think those are even the killer features of Caddy. They are the things that drive people in, but the real killer feature is how easy it is to configure.

Where do you see evidence of projects like Caddy getting too comfortable thinking Let's Encrypt/HTTPS support by default alone is going to differentiate them?

The author (mholt) replied above and the 'district advantage' he identified for caddy, his own product was:

> Caddy is the only server, even in the face of mod_md, to have fully automatic HTTPS by default

In every discussion about Caddy I've seen, the same argument is made. Even when caddy would refuse to start (with valid certificates cached!) during the LE outage, the response was "but we do LE + TLS automatically".

I still don't understand the concept of Caddy. The project seems inherently aimed at hobbyist's at best based on the idea that "its too hard to enable TLS in $Competition", but similarly they provide literally zero support for actually running Caddy - no sysvinit script, no systemd unit file, NOTHING.

So tell me again who their target market is? People who can't enable TLS in <Apache/HAProxy/Hitch/Nginx> but can write a fucking unit file for systemd?

They've been publishing a systemd unit file, a van Smoorenburg rc script, a Mewburn rc script, a MacOS plist, and an upstart job file since 2016.

* https://github.com/mholt/caddy/tree/master/dist/init

Ok, thats news to me.

However, I stand by the basic point I was making: the process to get caddy running is not just "apt install caddy-server", and it works.

It's quite possible you could spend more time getting caddy working from a download than you would enabling Certbot + TLS in a competing web server.

Don't know where you get that idea from. The reference implementation for letsencrypt has always been (a Python-based collection of scripts with auto-config, auto-update etc) for Apache httpd. A native Apache module for ACME has been proposed for some time now, and is great because the reference implementation is quite a bit too rich to run as root (and is Python 2 only I believe).

certbot, the reference ACME implementation, should work with Python 2 and 3 (it definitely works with 3; I haven't verified 2 with recent versions), and it does not require root (though the default configuration will want it).

IIRC, the last time I set it up, I stuck HAProxy in front so I could still send ACME requests to certbot, but didn't have to have it running as root. If you put its user in the HAProxy group, it can write the certs as 640. If you want to be really secure, you create SELinux or Apparmor policies as well.

I use a HAProxy + Certbot too (with a certbot "hook" script that builds the .pem for HAproxy AND downloads the OCSP staples from LE).

As a bonus, you can have zero downtime renewals and use the TLS-SNI challenge, rather than relying on the "it's probably safe but it still feels wrong" http challenge.

It's good to see that Apache gets native support for this, I sincerely hope NGINX will follow.

I'm curious, which email does it use to register with? I didn't see one in the config file.

[It uses the value of the global ServerAdmin setting][1]:

> There are 2 additional settings that are necessary for a Managed Domain: ServerAdmin and MDCertificateAgreement. The mail address of ServerAdmin is used to register at the CA (Let's Encrypt by default). The CA may use it to notify you about changes in its service or status of your certificates.

[1]: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/mod_md.html#managedd...

Supplying an email address to Let's Encrypt is optional.

... but if you don't supply one of course Let's Encrypt won't notify you about anything.

So if you aren't paying attention you may get blind-sided by any future change, particularly if your use case is weird e.g. you can only pass http-01 by HTTP 301 redirecting to a machine with a completely different hostname, works today, could get outlawed as dangerous one day and they'd have the records to show you're going to be affected, but no way to automatically warn you.

As a good first step, it's easy to configure the Prometheus blackbox exporter (or your TLS-supporting blackbox scraper of choice) to report the TLS cert expiry date; I have an alert which pages me if a TLS cert will expire in a week or sooner based on this.

I recommend always monitoring server logs as a last line of defense (or first, honestly) for these kinds of things.

Do Apache's server logs notify you if your cert is about to expire, but hasn't yet?

Expiration dates on your TLS certs is usually something that you want to monitor and alert on anyway. I'd actually build the monitoring separately from the renewal process, just in case that the renewal process doesn't notice that it fails.

I doubt it does in general, but mod_md does have a pretty chatty log if you enable it. Haven't tested this specifically, but I assume it prints something around renewal time.

Gosh I can't believe how embarrassing this post is for the LE team. All that time, effort and hard work let down by using the "nano" editor in the Youtube video.

(This is of course, fantastic news and great to see it'll be even easier for non-technical people to use HTTPS with little effort)

Are there any other CAs that support ACME?

Is ACME an Internet standard yet?

Is that turning into monoculture?

Other CAs have made interested noises. Big ones have indicated to m.d.s.policy or CA/B that they are, at least, paying attention to the RFC process and some are participating in standardisation.

ACME is at Working Group Last Call. Which means the IETF Working Group (people who thought this was interesting/ important) thinks it's finished but await feedback from outsiders who might not have realised this was coming or are too busy to look at in-progress designs. It will be published as a Standards Track RFC making it an "Internet Standard" in due course.

A monoculture is at least an improvement over the Wild West we had prior to the Ten Blessed Methods. As recently as last year any CA could decide (on its own recognizance) that any method it chose was adequate to verify Domain Control, under a heading "Any Other Method" in the Baseline Requirements. If your CA was happy with a method so dumb nobody should possibly have used it, we'd have to find out about that, explain why it's dumb, and then you'd get told to stop doing it, often taking several weeks to achieve. A list of just ten explicit methods was written, the Ten Blessed Methods, and now CAs must use one or more of those. ACME implements three today, and is designed to be extensible. Some methods involve things like human lawyers writing physical letters, it is unlikely ACME will embrace that sort of manual process directly, but methods involving email or the WHOIS system could end up in there.

ACME is currently an IETF draft: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-07

As far as I know there's only one serious server-side implementation right now, and that's Let's Encrypt's open-source Boulder project: https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder

Now if they could only catch that Road Runner!

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