They were pressured by OpenBSD to do so, and regret it. That doesn't mean they broke embargo, but it also doesn't reflect well on them. Do you think Theo would've respected the embargo if they had said "no, do not patch until the embargo date?"
True, they don't. However, this researcher has the authority to not notify the openbsd team in advance any more and he already announced that he'll keep his cards closer next time. What happens if sufficient researchers come to the same conclusion?
What happens if a vendor or researcher is in bed with the NSA and they use the exploit while embargoed?
The whole thing is a shit show and really I'm rather more behind OpenBSD's approach.
Edit just to expand on this as someone deleted a post ....
It's slightly more complicated than the prisoner's dilemma. The prisoner's dilemma doesn't account for a large facet of the problem which is being discussed here. If all the good parties participate and coordinate then we're better off. The problem is there are outlying circumstances which means that not everyone will be included:
1. If someone kicks someone out (OpenBSD) on political whim playing CYA, they no longer benefit.
2. If a party is not let in, they no longer benefit.
3. If someone is unaware of it, they don't benefit.
This turns it into a security monopoly where the big vendors get exclusive rights to embargo and exclude smaller vendors and control the disclosure process on their own schedule.
The first thing the people outside of the club find is they wake up on Monday morning and have to clear up a shitstorm of monumental proportions with less resources than the monopolised vendors who've had time to deal with it.
Then there's the assumption that the monopolised vendors are trustworthy which is 100% impossible to validate and therefore invalid.
Yeah, the hysterical part is how people think distros is leak proof. It just doesn't leak in nice public ways to allow "responsible white hats" to wag their fingers. Raise your hand if you can say you confidently know the full back channel distribution of a notification to distros.
Ultimatum games [1] are a subset of prisoner's dilemmas. That covers Nos. 1 and 2. Assuming researchers want something from those they disclose to, it makes sense for them to cast the widest net possible while minimising the risk of defection. Balancing that optimization is a game as old as civilization.
> This turns it into a security monopoly where the big vendors get exclusive rights to embargo and exclude smaller vendors and control the disclosure process on their own schedule.
Not necessarily. It turns into a monopoly of those who can show themselves to be credible partners. This exhibits incumbency bias which in social context we call track record. It's not nearly as exclusionary as you're making it out to be.
> Then there's the assumption that the monopolised vendors are trustworthy which is 100% impossible to validate and therefore invalid
This is common in trust problems. You don't need to be 100% sure everyone you're dealing with is trustworthy to work with them because we don't live in a single-iteration game. Again, iterations of retaliation and forgiveness remove the need to have 100% certainty about a player's intentions.
Sounds like the researcher is at fault for putting OpenBSD on their list. If you cut a deal with someone who serially defects, at a certain point the onus shifts from them to your lack of foresight.
The problem isn't a "fool me once shame on...fool me you don't get fooled again", because the problem is one unscrupulous party is unscrupulous to different parties and the different parties at different times are unaware of it.
> the problem is one unscrupulous party is unscrupulous to different parties and the different parties at different times are unaware of it
Sure, but eventually you get called out on it in a public forum, like this one, and people stop giving you goodies going forward. I would consider it acceptable practice to, when considering dealing with OpenBSD (or people who are close to them), (a) withhold vulnerabilities until after the embargo date or (b) refuse to give any information unless they sign a binding non-disclosure agreement committing them to the deadline under pain of penalty. (The latter is an option because it appears, in this case, they broke the spirit if not letter of the agreement. The solution to that problem is legalese.)
To be clear, I accuse you of nothing less than playing a rational response to the researcher's apparent "always coöperate" strategy. "Defect" in a prisoner's dilemma context does not mean "breach" in a legal one. (For example, an OPEC member defecting has zero legal consequences. It does, however, affect their standing in the next round of negotiations.)
'Defect' doesn't mean 'breach' in a legal situation, it also doesn't mean 'sociopath and/or economics professor' in a psychological one, but people form connotations, so be careful what you accuse. Anyway I think you're playing the PD analogy too much... But I'll play a bit too. Construct a payoff matrix. What does real defection look like? It's patching mid-July, when the patch was received, instead of waiting to the agreed upon end of August time. I see no defect here. There could only be one if, after CERT was involved and set a new date, Mathy asked OpenBSD to postpone the prior date agreement, and instead of cooperating they patched immediately for the biggest gains to their users. There is no mention of such a request, hence it probably didn't come.
> OpenBSD won't get notified about vulnerabilities until well after everyone else
Which doesn't make a difference if OpenBSD still gets their patch out at the same time as everyone else. Unlike other vendors, it doesn't take OpenBSD four months to go from vulnerability notification to patch release, if you look at previous disclosure timelines they typically have a patch out in days.
What about the vulnerabilities that OpenBSD notice? Works both ways. And they have an active interest in such things and have discovered as much as any famous-for-five-minutes security researcher.
> [OpenBSD] have discovered as much as any famous-for-five-minutes security researcher
TL; DR OpenBSD acted rationally if they'd prefer to go it alone, which seems to be their culture. To their credit, it's worked pretty well so far. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. If they prefer a mad scramble after public disclosure, they'll get it. But they shouldn't get early notice from responsible researchers.
It sounds rather like he is trying to blame OpenBSD for his own mistake. As multiple people from OpenBSD have said, he agreed they could apply the fix, so they did. He didn't have to say they could. The fact that CERT persuaded him to extend the embargo later is not their fault.