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From your description, that's not lying. That's saying you were involved in those processes for that amount of time. If you were working directly for a client is immaterial, as you were still working during the downtime.

More importantly, the downtime shouldn't matter. You don't have to explain a few months. 'None of your damned business' is an acceptable answer, should you be pressed and not feel like answering.

The point is, don't attempt to deceive. Don't lie, there is no need to. If you have to lie, don't work for them.

I am so glad I'm retired. I find this worrying and the votes disturbing. I'm not mad, I'm disappointed. Fraud is never acceptable, not even small amounts. I treated employees with great respect and expected, and got, the same in return.

I hired adults, professionals, and helped them fill their needs. I'd train, pay for school, and put up with all sorts of quirks. However, dishonesty violates a very basic line of trust. It is disrespect and it can harm the reputations of others. It's not okay, it's not acceptable, and any circumstance that encourages it should be fixed.

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