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25. (C) Based on personal experience, the professor noted, Xi is very familiar with the West, with a sister in Canada, an ex-wife in England, a brother in Hong Kong, many friends overseas, and prior travel to the United States. As far as the professor can discern, Xi's family and friends have had a good experience in the West. The professor contrasted Xi's experience and attitudes toward the West with those of people sent to the United States by their work units, such as the nationalist and sometime anti-U.S. Tsinghua University scholar Yan Xuetong. Xi was the only one of his immediate family to stay behind in China, the professor noted, speculating that Xi knew early on that he would "not be special" outside of China.

26. (C) Xi is favorably disposed toward the United States, the professor maintained, and would want to maintain good relations with Washington. The professor said Xi has "no ambition" to "confront" the United States. During Xi's visit to Washington, D.C., in 1987, he told the professor that he had no strong impressions of the United States. Although Xi was not particularly impressed by the United States, he had nothing bad to say about it either. Xi took a detached stance, as if observing from a distance, viewing what he saw as just a normal part of life, not strange, the professor said.

I think the best thing is to just disable pre in mobile.


> I think the best thing is to just disable pre in mobile.

That sounds great, do you know how to do this? I'm on Firefox mobile so user styles might be an option

I think it is best to fix this for everyone.

Dang, looks like adding white-space: normal; in pre and pre:hover in the css can make things much better for mobile web users. Can we consider it? Demo on Firefox nightly https://i.imgur.com/j4qvqfo.png

Edit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27126549

If you have uBlock Origin installed, you can tweak styles with its "My Filters". I have these in there:

  news.ycombinator.com##.comment code:style(white-space:pre-wrap)
  news.ycombinator.com##.comment pre:style(max-width:none!important)
The first line makes code blocks in HN comments word-wrap (while still preserving whitespace otherwise); the second lets them expand to the width of their containing comment.

That works great, thank you! I never realized uBlock could do CSS modification like that, though in hindsight it is probably a simple enough extension of how the thing works in the first place.

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