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Google should just pay students to learn at coding bootcamps (westonludeke.com)
3 points by weston on Oct 13, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Why would Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft, all of whom can command the best programming talent in the world, want to invest in a coding bootcamp? Their interests would be better served by sponsoring Masters and Doctoral candidates who've already demonstrated exceptional coding abilities during their internships and show the ability to do oh so much more if only they could afford to go to graduate school. You would then commit to your sponsor for 3-5 years afterward. THAT would be a big boon to the "Big Five" development shops. And because you're providing the best of the best with the opportunity to excel and create amazing tools and technologies, it'll help the industry as well.

OP here: That's an even better idea! Good idea!

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