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I grew up in a household with unlimited junk food & dessert supply, and when I was 20, decided to rebel.

The trick is simply: don't buy junk food. Don't buy it for at least 3 months, possibly forever. Keep it out of your house. Its easier to not buy it at the store, than not eat it when its around.

Once you've lived without sugar, salt & bad fats for a while, you stop craving them and its much easier to manage. If you need to snack, eat something with no flavoring - raw almonds or carrots for instance. Drink only water.

When I first made this change I actually went totally cold turkey on a 'no flavor' diet, where I intentionally only ate rice, boiled chicken, string beans, raw nuts and dried fruit for a month and only drank tap water. No joke. It worked for sure.

(Also chewing gum works wonders as well. You may just have an oral fixation)

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