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Being an entrepreneur is very different from picking up an instrument essentially because of 1 thing - you need a strong network.

Putting your intention out there and building that network even before you start will always help.

Infact that act of creating that network might be the one thing that would force you to make the jump into being a real entrepreneur.

It is perfectly possible to be an entrepreneur without a network of other entrepreneurs, you're better off concentrating on your customers initially anyway.

I see a disturbing trend in my environment where people will spend more and more time 'networking' and less on developing their product and / or their business in general. They're all backslapping each other what great entrepreneurs they are, they organize events and so on. Meanwhile the real entrepreneurs run off with the contracts.

Networking has its uses, but don't overestimate it.

Oops. Accidentally down-voted you. Votes really need to be reversible for at least some short time.

EDIT: Wow. Some people are really pathetic with down votes. It was a mistake and should be correctable.

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