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Applied ML: Composition-Aware Search for Shutterstock Photography (shutterstock.com)
22 points by kscz on Oct 12, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

As the primary researcher and engineer on this project, I'm really excited to finally have been able to release this, and it's also the first system we've shown off that includes a technical whitepaper. Nothing would make me happier than seeing a paper come out in Arxiv that improves this system.

This is a great application of computer vision applied to everyday business problems. Kudos to the shutterstock search/CV team.

The whitepaper linked in the upper-right is highly informative: https://www.shutterstock.com/labs/compositionsearch/static/c...

Finding good copy space is such a time consuming part of looking for images and any way to make that easier would be welcome!

Love the ability to find images with copy space - I've never seen that before. It's also really fast.

Truly unique tool. Will save designers hours.

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