I can easily agree that people shouldn't be talking on the phone while driving or watching a dvd while in traffic, but only because it is dangerous and reckless, but I could care less that it is dangerous and reckless to the driver; I care because I am a driver and those kind of people are endangering others on the road like ME. I personally love both technologies and only dislike the people that use them. I don't find this to be a technological problem, but a people problem; certainly not a “technology controlling society” problem neither.
“Twittering, tweeting — whatever it is, it sounds like a nervous disorder.” The clear fallacy, which is meant to distract, takes away from what is really going on. I hang out with people I like, and I like them because of who they are. Having a cell phone on the table and texting/tweeting does not change who they are as people, and if it has, I guess I like that changed person more.
This 'busy' life the author is complaining about where the tv set is cluttered by unrelated information and multitasking is now known as a wonderful skill.....is the life I wish to live, and I find it awesome. I enjoy commercials and laugh at the obvious marketing techniques ect. It even has become something to do with friends when we have a television show we both enjoy. “We need to slow down and take a deep breath.” No, we don't! You do! Time to adapt, for you can't make others adapt.
“spend a little time just being ourselves.” imho, I already made it clear I judge people on who they are, not if they have the newest cell phone or not. I like people who are themselves? Those people who 'are not' themselves will find themselves eventually. I don't even know if people who are not themselves exist-
imho, this piece was negligent/shallow rant on technology. I can't agree with it on a whole and when I do agree- I agree for different reasons.
“Twittering, tweeting — whatever it is, it sounds like a nervous disorder.” The clear fallacy, which is meant to distract, takes away from what is really going on. I hang out with people I like, and I like them because of who they are. Having a cell phone on the table and texting/tweeting does not change who they are as people, and if it has, I guess I like that changed person more.
This 'busy' life the author is complaining about where the tv set is cluttered by unrelated information and multitasking is now known as a wonderful skill.....is the life I wish to live, and I find it awesome. I enjoy commercials and laugh at the obvious marketing techniques ect. It even has become something to do with friends when we have a television show we both enjoy. “We need to slow down and take a deep breath.” No, we don't! You do! Time to adapt, for you can't make others adapt.
“spend a little time just being ourselves.” imho, I already made it clear I judge people on who they are, not if they have the newest cell phone or not. I like people who are themselves? Those people who 'are not' themselves will find themselves eventually. I don't even know if people who are not themselves exist-
imho, this piece was negligent/shallow rant on technology. I can't agree with it on a whole and when I do agree- I agree for different reasons.