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(To be honest, I think clojure has its purposes, but a one-off calculator page isn't one of them. Use the right tool for the right job and all that.)

What point are you trying to make? That one can write less code if one does less stuff?

The parent asked for a link to something that takes less effort, I obliged. I don't think the amount of code is a particularly useful metric in most cases, but I would argue that the PHP+HTML solution is much clearer and easier to deploy, and taking into account everything you wish about such a simple web page (readability, maintainability, cross-server, security, etc.), takes less effort in the end. (I don't have any big issues with jetty or tomcat, since I use one or the other almost daily.) I'm sure there are larger use cases where clojure is simpler than raw PHP, but that's why PHP has frameworks.

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