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I think you will understand how offensive and unnecessary your first statement is after looking at this photo: http://www.hollow-hill.com/sabina/images/auschwitz-corpses.j...

Yes Australians had the decency to slowly wipe out the indigenous people out of sight over a century rather than being all teutonic and efficient about it.

Yes, Americans had the decency to slowly wipe out the indigenous people...

What a troll you are! Oh! Yes! You are!

I think you will understand how analogy works by watching this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-fI3KEgy6c

edited to add: Beware, for history repeats itself. Just because heinous crimes were documented in the past is no guarantee that they will not be repeated by spineless authoritarians.

Ah, I seem to have given you more credit than you deserve. I watched the video but it's not related to any part of this discussion.

Just because an analogy has been made does not make it a good one.

The only relevant reply, unfortunately, was not even in reply to my OP !!!


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