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Open Source and Free Software have clearly defined rules ... unrestricted redistribution is not one of those rules.

> It really boils down to the definition of a "derivative work".

That definition is in the GPL. It's not exactly the same definition as that of a "derivate" in the copyright law, but that's a gray area anyway and nothing else besides the GPL gives you the right to create something like Thesis.

Other people besides yourself also want to protect their rights. If it's some author's wish to release code under the GPL, he might have good reasons for doing so, and you'd better respect that choice or use something else.

> As a developer, why would I want to create any Wordpress plugins or themes if someone else is going to lay claim to my work

This is what I call being a hypocrite.

Hypocrite has nothing to do with it. He's free, as a developer, to create derived works from GPL code, and nobody else is free to claim ownership of his work but him. He can use the stuff he created all he wants.

What he's not free to do is distribute those works without complying with the GPL or otherwise coming to an agreement with the copyright holders to allow him to do so.

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