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I see, okay.

I just had the feeling that Firefox has news to be on-par with Chrome for years now, but I never really "felt" it, hehe.

The current news relates to merging parts of Servo (web engine written in Rust) to Firefox, which started relatively recently.

I know that. And I have high hopes :)

I just wanted to say, that it isn't the first news about Firefox getting faster since Chrome came out.

I tried the new versions every now and then and Chrome always felt faster to me. Maybe it really is, maybe it just uses some perceptional tricks, I don'T know.

Firefox really has been slowly getting faster for a while; especially with Firefox 54, I no longer felt as if I was taking a significant performance hit as the price for not using Chrome. Firefox 55 got even a bit faster, but still was not quite as fast as Chrome. However, the recent changes in Nightly (Firefox 57), which now landed in the developer edition, really was a huge leap forward in performance.

I encourage you to try out Nightly now (https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/channel/desktop/). I’m not promising that it’ll be faster than Chrome, but it just might be fast enough now.

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