Last year I went to China, wanted to show a web project I had in internet and it didnt work at all.
My hosting was working perfectly and not blocked at all since I could SSH there. Then I realized that I had some jquery loading from a Google CDN and of course the cdn was banned there. And of course CSS fonts from google and youtube videos didnt work either...
I learned 2 lessons.
1) dont rely on CDNs if you want to have global access. Host everything your self and check that your hosting or any of the mirrors can be accessed everywhere.
2) How long Google tentacles are (and we always keep forgetting)...
I reread my comment and I dont see any place where I blame others...
Im just told my story, not blaming any body and mentioned how big is google, thats all
There are many other "official" jquery CDNs (well, there is a real official one by jquery powered by someone else, and there are Google/Microsoft/etc. ones which are listed on: Just don't use the Google one and you're ok. If you're worried about future blocks, just keep monitoring (there are services that tell you if a domain is blocked in China or not), and switch your jquery CDN if one is blocked. Microsoft one is almost surely going to be OK (at least for a long time).
In fact, it makes more sense to develop an app for the Chinese market than to develop one for iOS based on pure userbase numbers (obviously, for many companies that only operate in the US, this doesn’t make sense, but if you’re, say, an open source project, it might)
well, it was my personal website and I wanted to show my own projects from there...
I just forgot I was using CDNs from google since I wrote the site 6 years ago...
My hosting was working perfectly and not blocked at all since I could SSH there. Then I realized that I had some jquery loading from a Google CDN and of course the cdn was banned there. And of course CSS fonts from google and youtube videos didnt work either...
I learned 2 lessons.
1) dont rely on CDNs if you want to have global access. Host everything your self and check that your hosting or any of the mirrors can be accessed everywhere.
2) How long Google tentacles are (and we always keep forgetting)...