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Citizen Kane practically invented modern dramatic film.

The techniques Welles developed for Kane were innovative at the time, but are now mundane or clichéd. In terms of writing, framing, lighting, directing, editing, scoring, it was unparalleled.

It's not the best movie in the conventional sense, and maybe not even a particularly good one - I found that the story itself failed to grip me - but it is technically brilliant, and one of the most significant movies in terms of its influence on the art of film-making.

I don't remember the source, but there's a quote to the effect of "I don't think much of Shakespeare's plays, they're just one cliché after another".

Oh, they definitely nailed the drama and suspense. I wasn't panning it for its originality or anything. I just feel like that the script built up, built up, built up and then just.. fizzled into nothing.

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