Manpacks is hilarious, super well done, and the undies are good too. I can't wait for them to start sending me shampoo, soap and all that stuff in my manpack. I hate shopping.
I too, hate shopping. I selected my daily man-uniform years ago, and know exactly what I like to wear -- I haven't changed my basic outfit in almost 5 years. Yes, I am that manly.
If manpacks added different colors of american apparel man-shirts (I like blue) and basic cargo man-shorts, I'd sign up today. In fact, I still might sign up today, but I'll have to go to K-Mart to get my reasonably priced man-shorts -- a trip I've been avoiding.
I would pay really good money for a service that made me look very good yet middle-of-the-road (i.e. not flamboyant or overly stylish). I freely admit that I want to be a follower when it comes to style/fashion and just simply conform to the latest trend in a manner that suits my face/body.
I'll look into that, but it would be nice if it could be commoditized and automated. Like if there was some webapp that presented you with some examples of styles to pick from, took your size information, and then periodically shipped you clothes matching your chosen parameters.
This single-item subscription business model has really been taking off lately, so I'd really encourage people who can carve out their own unique niche to try it. i.e. Ask yourself what niche market you could possibly service with a well-designed subscription-based service. So maybe it's just me, but these one-item subscription services really seem to be popping up everywhere lately... was one of the originals and has been doing this for a decade, Netflix does it for movies, there's ShoeDazzle that girls use for shoes, InkFlip for ink cartridges, and Manpacks proves it again with a great execution (and that list goes on). To be honest I feel like this is a guaranteed win if you find a good niche that you know well and (of course) can execute well.
I believe I learned about from Hacker News and received my second "pack" about a week ago.
Brilliant concept, well-executed. The main danger I see is the increasingly complex number of options: they may want to make an obvious default easier to see and pick.
I just tried to create-a-pack, silly thing wants $7 in shipping for an order a few dollars above their 'free shipping' threshold. Still a few bugs to hammer out, I guess?
I've always been fond of going through a checkout at a supermarket with condoms, lube and one other item - a trick a long ago ex (who incidentally could code rings around me) taught me to avoid embarassment.
The trick is to select the final item for comedy value. A cucumber would be traditional, but many other things also work. A sandwich with a gag at the till of "I'll need to keep my strength up" suddenly turns it into a shared joke between you and the cashier and eliminates the embarrassment.
Cheesy? Sure. A useful personal mental self-hack? I think so. Decide for yourself :)
There's a "subscribe and save" link next to the "add to cart" link on some of the product pages, as well as a "subscribe and save" link on the navigation bar from the Health & Personal Care section. It's pretty straightforward from there.
"In gratitude, we'd hope you'll accept a complimentary Manpack from us. Pick out whatever you like (anything), and let us know your sizes & address too."
I don't see a way or link to redeem this complimentary pack?