> It baffles me then, when CSS in JS advocates argue for essentially the "copy and paste" methodology when it comes to styling.
This is incorrect. Even if you're using JS for styles you still follow best abstraction practices -- just instead of importing your colors and mixins from another LESS file you're importing them from another JS file. It's no different then designing a styling framework in pure CSS.
What the author is missing here is the biggest single problem with pure CSS -- reusability. Frameworks like React make it incredibly easy to reuse a widget's logic, but what happens when I want to change the styles? JS-in-CSS allows you to do that as part of the widget's API.
This is incorrect. Even if you're using JS for styles you still follow best abstraction practices -- just instead of importing your colors and mixins from another LESS file you're importing them from another JS file. It's no different then designing a styling framework in pure CSS.
What the author is missing here is the biggest single problem with pure CSS -- reusability. Frameworks like React make it incredibly easy to reuse a widget's logic, but what happens when I want to change the styles? JS-in-CSS allows you to do that as part of the widget's API.