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> If it wasn't for the HomePod firmware leak a month ago this would've been even more devastating

The latest "leak" conveniently happens days away from their new release and gets everyone talking about it. Wow, so harmful!

Let me ask you this: everyone was going to be talking about it on Tuesday anyway. In what way would Apple benefit from having this news released two or three days early?

If a competitor put out a bunch of news on Friday then this would be taking up their PR time so there could be a benefit, but as far as I'm aware that didn't happen.

There isn't really anything in here that will help people get used to some possible controversy (like the leaks of the lack of the headphone jack on the seven).

What would this accomplished other than to make the Tuesday event less special/magical?

> everyone was going to be talking about it on Tuesday anyway

I imagine I'll see a headline in the news on Tuesday, probably a HN thread, and maybe a 30% chance someone at work will mention that there's a new iphone coming out. The 10 minutes I spent reading this article are a fairly significant increase in total attention I'll give to the release.

"magical" :-)

I think it's obvious that people are more likely to buy products with hype around them.

I agree, but I don't think this raises the hype over what we would've had after Tuesday anyway. If anything I think it slightly weakens what would have come from Tuesday.

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