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Tell HN: Summary of HN User Directories
46 points by JangoSteve on July 16, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
I keep getting déjà vu every time a new HN directory appears, so I tracked down all the ones I could remember. I'm sure I've probably missed some...

EDIT: I moved the actual directory to my comment below, because this post wouldn't allow clickable links.

--HackrTrackr (HN users directory by location)--


HN Post: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43942

Is it unethical to simply import these other lists into my site (http://www.hackernewsers.com/) or is it just efficient...

It is not unethical. These people who listed themselves in the other directories were looking to connect with the HN community. Having more opportunities to accomplish this would be appreciated. The trick with your site is to make sure it doesn't lose momentum and die off. Could you possibly support organizing meetups with your site? Seems to be a common request for PG to add to this site.

But HackerNewsers requires "HN authentication", so that narrows you down to only importing hndir.com and hnhackers.com, no?

Well, the data is out there in the clear, so I don't mind. Maybe that way actually some hackers will show up in the Zurich area on your site ;-)

Or the original one that started it all; it has the most comprehensive coverage to date, with almost 300 entries ;)


"Do you need a co-founder?" http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1052950

I'm actually not sure why there is interest in duplicating Google Doc spreadsheets. Either people forgot, or wasn't aware that there's already one :/

The processes become stale, memory gets corrupted, and the server launches a new process.

google spreadsheet of HN google spreadsheets :)

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