I also have a feeling that something else is going on.
Did you also notice that such a wild claim was made in a busy HN discussion, and the response was not a barrage of down votes and the universality of scorn often reserved for gross inaccuracies and blatant bias?
Are we being tolerant of the commenter?
Or are we tolerant of Apple and favouritism?
I should have split the last two carefully but I'll leave it as is, deliberately.
Are we all just vaguely aware of the existence of a delusion in which we have been deprived of accurate evaluation of Apple, equally as anyone? Does only professional exposure to the market information, save us from a delusion?
Important to also ask, is the delusion that Apple is the preferred professional choice a established popular belief?
Deleted parenthetical superfluous comments in 1st last paragraphs, only linking continued argument in my profile. I was interested in discussing the possibility of delusions becoming more frequent, even among the least likely to be influenced professions. This intrigues me, and I ponder whether, if you can clearly convince political beliefs, is it possible to engineer a exodus to a Facebook replacement that isn't a tool that can be purposed for political delusion creation? I have become scared to even think about how me could possibly never be able to tell what the truth is around us.
Did you also notice that such a wild claim was made in a busy HN discussion, and the response was not a barrage of down votes and the universality of scorn often reserved for gross inaccuracies and blatant bias?
Are we being tolerant of the commenter?
Or are we tolerant of Apple and favouritism?
I should have split the last two carefully but I'll leave it as is, deliberately.
Are we all just vaguely aware of the existence of a delusion in which we have been deprived of accurate evaluation of Apple, equally as anyone? Does only professional exposure to the market information, save us from a delusion?
Important to also ask, is the delusion that Apple is the preferred professional choice a established popular belief?
Edit: Deleted parenthetical superfluous comments in 1st last paragraphs, only linking continued argument in my profile. I was interested in discussing the possibility of delusions becoming more frequent, even among the least likely to be influenced professions. This intrigues me, and I ponder whether, if you can clearly convince political beliefs, is it possible to engineer a exodus to a Facebook replacement that isn't a tool that can be purposed for political delusion creation? I have become scared to even think about how me could possibly never be able to tell what the truth is around us.