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Two questions:

1) Does it emit more IR at higher temperatures? In other words, would pumping hot water through/under it produce larger temperature drops?

2) Is it weather proof, or do you still need to find a coating that protects it while not blocking the IR?

Yes, it emits more radiation/ heat when hotter. A nice feature of radiation is that scales as T^4.

It's pretty durable on its own. That being said, as we've moved to the product stage we've packaged it in a way to protect it further.

I'm not sure why, but I've always thought it interesting that radiation scales as a fourth power. It's unusual to see forth power relationships in fundamental scientific processes.

Black body radiation scales with T^4, but you're relying on one particular band. I suspected it scaled, but T^4 seems rather unlikely ;-)

Most materials scale with T^4. You would need a very weird radiance spectrum to do anything different.

That said, we are talking about something that has a weird radiance spectrum as a selling point, so, expect some deviation from the standard T^4 curve.

I would assume it scales at K*T^4 where K is a constant < 1 and gets smaller as the band narrows.

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