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I feel with you, man.

Unfortunately I cannot offer words of advice, I'm in the same mood and a similar position right now (and it starts to influence my private life a lot, which sucks. Explain to your SO this kind of "I'm feeling that I don't accomplish anything so we're fighting regularly, sorry").

Story's, as I said, similar, but with some key differences: I'm senior in title and in practice, but not in payment. My job's in a niche (OCR/DMS) as well, where basically people just jump between competitors if anything bothers them. I don't want to follow this practice. I might leave, but this inbred culture leads to lots of problems.

Coworkers are mostly converts from VB times and stopped caring about self education after they were forced to learn C# 1.1 (it still works. Nvm that 4 is out). I lobby for a (company provided, I use git personally) version control system for 5 years. The company handles projects in the 5-6 digits range and didn't manage to support this request for the most basic of tools yet.

To add insult to injury we're divided into two divisions, one is doing projects for the customer, one is developing the platform. The latter is elite and you won't get a job there. I'm sure they don't even earn much more, but they do the interesting thing. Design new features, research new possibilities. We (as I said, I'm "senior", but still) are just code monkeys.

Sorry for hijacking the thread, but this crushes me, right now. I'm seriously unable to get up, unable even to turn on any machine. There's so much I want to learn and do, but the mere thought of my day job currently stuns me. I constantly find me wandering off, I even think the Net is boring and I've seen it all by now.

(Queue the "Quit the job" responses.. Currently searching for better alternatives, but I've a family to support - and maybe I just abuse that as an excuse to hide my fear for something new).

Long post, in huge parts offtopic - sorry for that. Let me finish with "Yes, you're not alone". And the best of luck to you, this is for me the writers block in programming - and it sucks.

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