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Is it necessarily destructive though? Not only is there some real wisdom and insight in their teachings (SOME), but if women really do hate it and get burned by it, perhaps they will learn not to respond to those behaviors? That doesn't seem like immediately a bad thing. You could perhaps argue they are only doing what comes natural, but heck- guys have rarely been able to get away with what comes natural.

It really depends on what the alignment expectations is between the man and woman - and what has been communicated. If you're dangling the hook of a relationship in front of someone's face to get them into bed, with no actual intention of follow-through, then I'd consider that a destructive/irresponsible thing.

I think now, with the general awareness of The Game and the prevalence of PUA practitioners, more women are aware of what's really going on - and hey, as long as they're aware of the game and want to play, who are we to judge?

That being said though, there are still a not-insignificant number of women who actually intend to meet Mr. Right at a bar/club - and some PUA techniques with regards to handling that crowd is a bit sickening to read.

It say's in the article that one of the things about "The Game' is that it's generally more honest, PUA don't get girls into bed by dangling a relationship in front of them, actually thats one of the main points, the PUA never offers any relationship.

That essentially these women already want to sleep with these guys, and the guys are merely removing the mental barriers to this desired action(desired by both parties).

I always thought that once women found out how cold and systematic this was they would be repulsed by it. Then I remember when 'the game' and 'the pickup artist' came out women I talked to about it were more intrigued than anything else. Overall I've heard a lot more negativity about it from men. Women don't like being lied to and used, but they do want dating to be like a 'game'.

I can't help thinking this might be vulnerable to the very real age differences. Women enter and exit the dating scene at an earlier age than men, and consequently might not see the theory or the purportedly undesirable elements before they are practised on.

Or maybe it is or will be a common topic of discussion among débutantes, moreso than among men. I have no idea.

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